
Breaking the Bias Habit

Dr. 卡梅尔萨德, Associate Professor of Psychology, earned her doctorate in social 和 personality psychology at the University of California, 戴维斯, in 2012. She specializes in the experience of biculturalism, examining the relationship between bicultural identity integration 和 cultural frame switching. 另外, she examines cultural influences on emotion, 创造力, 自我概念, 心理健康. 她最近的工作重点是减轻内隐偏见对现实世界结果影响的策略. She has adopted an evidence-based framework to help those in law enforcement, 教育的设置, 医疗保健, 营利性和非营利性组织开始意识到内隐偏见对他们工作的影响. She has consulted with various organizations, including the Santa Barbara Police Department, Santa Barbara County Probation Office, Santa Barbara Unified School District, Santa Barbara City College, 家庭服务处, 小屋医院, 各种学术机构和ag娱乐官网组织帮助提高人们对隐性偏见的认识,并与它对决策和行为的影响作斗争.


Hispanic Serving Institution Initiative 

Westmont College is working towards becoming a Hispanic Serving Institution. Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) are defined as colleges, 大学, 或西班牙裔入学人数至少占总入学人数25%的系统/地区. 
每年,我们都看到来自不同背景的学生数量在韦斯特蒙增加,我们为这种稳定的增长感到鼓舞. As of fall 2020, the percentage of Hispanic students currently enrolled at Westmont is at 21.4%. 达到25%并被归类为HSI将使Westmont有资格获得助学金和奖学金,这将为我们的西班牙裔和拉丁裔学生提供更多机会,并为他们的整体成功提供有用的资源.